The Wisdom of A Stupid Man

The Wisdom of A Stupid Man

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“Surely I am more stupid than any man, And do not have the understanding of a man. I neither learned wisdom Nor have knowledge of the Holy One.” – Prov 30:2-3

You probably wouldn’t want to take these as your life verse’s but this Proverb gives us a tremendous reminder, that we aren’t as smart and wise as we think we are. The first part of Proverbs 30 gives us a tremendous contrast between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God. We live in a time when mans wisdom is preeminent and even worshipped. When we encounter people who seem to be the smartest of the smart with long lists of degrees behind their names and they scoff at our beliefs it can shake our faith, and make us begin to search for a way to conform our beliefs to fit with the contemporary philosophies and thoughts of our day. God however views mans wisdom differently then we do, He see’s it as…..well….stupid. The word stupid means brutish or senseless, it pictures for us someone who has a complete lack of understanding and knowledge. That is the perfect description of man, without God revealing Himself and true wisdom to us we are left to our own imaginations, speculations, and thoughts which time and time again prove to be untrustworthy and wrong.

In verse 4 we have sort of a mini version of Job’s encounter with God in Job 38, where God through a series of questions reminds Job just how small and insignificant he and his thoughts are compared to Gods. Before we begin to think we know more than or better than God we have to ask ourselves some of those questions, have we ascended into heaven? have we gathered the wind in our hand? have we established the ends of the earth?

So if our wisdom is lacking and it certainly is, where are we to turn? Verse 5 has the answer for us:

Every word of God proves true;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Do not add to his words,
lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

Every word of God has been tested and is has been proven true, it has passed the test. How does the word of man stack up? Not so good. God’s Word can be trusted because it has proved true because God himself is the very source and standard of truth.

Having doubts this morning about the truthfulness of God’s Word? Trust the One who made all things, not the foolishness of man.

Questioning whether God really knows what He is doing in your life? Remember that we are the one’s lacking, He is the all wise One.

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