This psalm starts out with David appealing to God’s mercy & steadfast love. He describes God’s mercy as abundant. He is humbled and realizes that the mercy is entirely based upon God’s character of love because David doesn’t deserve mercy. How encouraging to really let these attributes of God sink in when I am overwhelmed by my flaws and sins. When I feel like God should give up on me, and even when I give up on myself.
Steadfast is the description of God’s love, here is the definition and some synonyms: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering
Loyal, fatihful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, constant, solid, trustworthy.
God’s love for me is steadfast. Unchangeable, unwaverable firm. It is not affected by my actions, it is not a love based on emotion. It is a pure love that I can always count on. This alone is so overwhelming it is hard to understand how God would love me with such faithfulness. When I have sinned I can as David cling to God’s steadfast love, knowing that if I come in humility of mind and heart, truly seeking restoration He will forgive as His love is always seeking to restore me to Him.
David also relies on God’s attribute of Abundant Mercy.
Abundant: existing or available in large quantities; plentiful
Rich, lavish, big, bountiful.
Wow I’m so glad that God’s mercy is available in “large quantities”. That His mercy is so abundant He has forgiven all my sin. Oh what a great and awesome God I have. His mercy is so amazing, and so beyond my comprehension. Because of His love, He has abundant Mercy. These two attributes of God, if I understood better would change the way I view myself and how I lived. Oh Lord I plea your Steadfast Love and Abundant Mercy today! Oh how grateful I am for these attributes!
We see in this psalm that David
1. Acknowledges his sin.
2. Acknowledges it is against God and that it was done in His sight.
3. Asks for purging and cleansing.
4. Acknowledges and claims the truth that God can wash him wihiter than snow despite his sin.
5. Asks God to create in him a clean heart.
6. Asks for Restoration of Joy (sin brings depression)
7. Asks for deliverance (vs 14)
God delights in humility and humble spirits. His forgiveness is sure for those who are humble and contrite before him.
Thank you Lord for this psalm. Thank you for reminding me of your steadfast love and abundant mercy. May I claim both today and live humbly before you! Create in me a clean heart!